Senin, 08 April 2013

Program Nilai Select Case

Kode program:
Private Sub cmdKlik_Click()
Dim Nilaiharian, uts, uas As Integer
Dim keterangan As String
Dim hasil As Double
tugas = Val(txtNH.Text)
uts = Val(txtuts.Text)
uas = Val(txtuas.Text)
hasil = (tugas + (2 * uts) + (3 * uas)) / 6

Select Case hasil
Case Is > 100 Or hasil < 0
lblket.Caption = "Di Luar Jangkauan"
Case Is >= 85
lblket.Caption = "A"
Case Is >= 75 And hasil <= 84
lblket.Caption = "B"
Case Is >= 60 And hasil <= 74
 lblket.Caption = "C"
Case Is > 50 And hasil <= 59
lblket.Caption = "D"
Case Is <= 50
lblket.Caption = "E"
End Select
lblHasil.Caption = Format(hasil, "#####.##")
End Sub

program buat VB nih, silahkan mencoba ^_^

4 komentar:

  1. wes ... mantep nih kak Rully :D

    cuma kalo bisa, saya request koding C++ nya dong :P hahaha

    1. wah maaf, saya tidak mempelajari c++. hehe :D

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